
What percentage of prostitution is by force and how much by choice?

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What percentage of prostitution is by force and how much by choice?




  1. I always wanted to but no one ever takes me seriously.

  2. Phyllis has a very good answer.

  3. none is by choice all by force.

    force may be some gang or it may be hunger.

  4. This isn't a great answer: basically, it's very hard to get any kind of grasp of figures about something that's illegal (obviously) so it's always going to be a very, very rough estimate. Secondly, what would you classify as forced? I.e. if the choice is starving on the streets homeless or prostitution, is that really a choice? Or someone who's addicted to drugs, etc....

    Either way, trafficking (defininately not a choice) is a huge problem (estimated 16,000 annually in the USA, I think?) And that doesn't include people from within the USA being forced into prostitution. However, for some people it is a choice. I would suspect in most countries, this is a small percentage. Not so sure about countries where it is legal.

  5. 95% of women surveyed in US prostitutes' organization said they entered prostitution by choice*x/addendum...


    Btw  Anybody found forcing anyone into prostitution should get the severest sentence possible.

  6. i dont see it as a choice to be poor or sick (drug addiction is listed by the American Medical Association as  a primary DISEASE ((physical dependance,mental COMPULSION, problem,s with the personds development, adaptation to living, conditioning to that))

    these are very sick people

    i thought sick needed help?

    and i figure if i see a guy with cancer i'm not gonna say he CHOSE it?


    so alright you got a sick impoverished homeless person.

    female, young, so with one option

    --->sell it.


    Having ONE option (and no others)by definition is not choice.

  7. force = 55%

    choise = 45%

  8. 99.9% is by choice.

    Prostitutes simply believe that their hourly rate is much higher than working in an office. This remains true until they are about 27 years old, afterwhich the rate diminishes.

  9. Almost all is due to dire straits and desperation. From a study conducted in 1998:

    "Across countries, 73 percent (of prostitutes) reported physical assault in prostitution, 62 percent reported having been raped since entering prostitution, 67 percent met criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. On average, 92 percent stated that they wanted to leave prostitution."

  10. you cant tell because if surveys are conducted, the prostitute isn't likely to tell the truth for fear of their safety.

  11. 75% Force and 25% Choice.

  12. By force ......80%

    By choice...20%

  13. Since when is prostitution ever by force.

    Whenever s*x is by force, than you have a case of rape. No woman is to be forced to be a prostitute.

    The only time i could possibly imagine a woman is forced into such a trade, is when some sick predator forces young girls into such an act to make their predator money and fulfill their sick fantasy. Which usually only happens to an underage female.

  14. You can't get an accurate answer here.

    Those who are force will not participate in any survey.

    Usually they are control by some organise crime like mafia, yakuza, triads. If you try to ask those girls questions, the criminals may think you work for the cops and harm you.

  15. 99 percent by choice to earn money

  16. There is No way to verify the percentages. Many young women that are in it are runaways and left on the streets are recruited by predators that promise them things and drugs and force them into prostitution. Others due to homelessness, and a  sense of despair find their way into it. Drugs and alcohol can be a contributing factor as well as abuse. Some are blinded by the media to think its glamorous and after they are in it can't get out and go back to a normal life. Drugs, STD's,  Abuse, physical attacks are all part of the life. Not a pretty way to attempt to make a living.

  17. The UN keeps statistics on such thing. Nearly all underage girls and boys who live by prostitution are compelled, and this traffic is quite large. Some adult women, mainly from Eastern Europe, are tricked into it and then kept in bondage.

    Prostitution is legal or tolerated all over the world, except here in the Calvinist God's Country. For all you Christian fundies, Tel Aviv has one of the biggest brothels in the world.

    But after watching several espisodes of the HBO series "Deadwood", which is set in the Dakotas before they became a US territory, it seems that pimps are the same nasty people everywhere, whether the business is legal or not. This is why prostitutes need unions, and why their work deserves the title of work. They'll have s*x with men most other women despise. I think they should be allowed into hospitals to have s*x with ill patients. I'm sure this would revive an interest in living in many patients who have given up.

  18. "Many young women that are in it are runaways and left on the streets are recruited by predators that promise them things and drugs and force them into prostitution. Others due to homelessness, and a sense of despair find their way into it. Drugs and alcohol can be a contributing factor as well as abuse. Some are blinded by the media to think its glamorous and after they are in it can't get out and go back to a normal life. Drugs, STD's, Abuse, physical attacks are all part of the life."

    Yep, just as Phyllis said it- MOST BY CHOICE.

    btw, why so many women assuming this question is referring only to women? Ladies always like to bring up how "well men prostitute themselves too, well men are in p**n too! So you can't just say it's women!"  But as soon as a question comes up where women see an opportunity to gain empathy and sympathy now all of a sudden all prostitutes are female again right?

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