
What percentage of question in 08 will be "am I/could I be pregnant?"?

by  |  earlier

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Also "does he like me?"




  1. 75%

  2. I'd say 50% for each of those:-P

  3. depends if he likes you and you get down!

  4. about 85-90%

  5. or can you get pregnant standing up

  6. youre a fine figure of a man arent you

  7. why do people them ask them questions anyway lol!

  8. 0% because I will make it next years goal to stay on answers 24/7 reporting all the questions that relate to the subjects you mentioned

  9. 90% followed am I pretty? And then the can I lose weight eating fritos all day question.

  10. Too large a percentage! Those questions are ridiculous

  11. well? I?....could I be?

  12. About 80% lol!

    Try the mens health section it is all about " Do I have a small p***s?"

  13. :))

  14. hahaha and 'am i pretty?'

    about 85% same as now

  15. I know ,Like we're supposed to know !

  16. My vote is 79%.

    Good Lord, save us all.

    Maybe they could just make a kids only Y!A and those questions would go away.......

  17. haha I am sure a certain amount of people will

  18. Same as now. About 95% !

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