
What percentage of scientists pursue knowledge that doesn't really effect quality of life? (cosmology for ex.)

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What percentage of scientists pursue knowledge that doesn't really effect quality of life? (cosmology for ex.)




  1. I question your assertion that cosmology is that irrelevant to quality of life.  Since man became aware of the night sky, it has comforted him, guided him, timed him, etc.  Study of the stars have revealed wonderous and awesome sights that affect one's beliefs in a deity, or not, which certainly does affect one's quality of life.

    In the universe, everything is connected in some fashion.  Many things that we think are important, aren't, while often, that which we think as unimportant, aren't.

    The thermionic emission effect would have been considered a mildly useless curiosity when it was discovered, yet, it directly led to vacuum tubes, which led to transistors, which led to the modern PCs and laptops.

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