
What percentage of the American population are illiterate?

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What percentager of the American population are illiterate?




  1. What 'percentager'.

    A high amount, I would say.

  2. I learnt in geography that most of the richer countries have an adult literacy rate of 98 - 99%, so it would be about 1 - 2% illiterate.

    Meaning that 3,049,511 adults in the US are illiterate, out of  304,951,123.

  3. 3 or 4%...

    BTW safa T doesn't know anything about it.

  4. I'm pretty sure it's less than 1%, and very near 0%.

    Edit: I'm using the most basic definition of "illiterate," as in totally unable to read or write one's primary speaking language. I agree with another poster that a substantial portion of the American population is functionally illiterate. Just look around this forum...

  5. I dont know - but I have dated someone that was illiterate - and knew another guy that said he was - but I really think he could read - at least a little.  

  6. a lot!


  7. if one is specialist in one subject, he is illiterate in other subjects

  8. Over 90 million US adults, nearly one out of two, are functionally illiterate or near illiterate, without the minimum skills required in a modern society.

  9. I read this in a college book before. By Johnathon Kozol. They state that over 40million adults are illerterate.

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