
What percentage of the population would you consider good looking?

by  |  earlier

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I meant where you live, what percent are considered "attractive" to you ?




  1. I answering this question on the basis of financial basis. In India 30% of population good looking out that 10% excellent. Even though middle class up to 50%, 20% constitutes upper middle class who can do as they wish. Everyone can't be rich.

    We can't overrule nature because it always keeps its energy in balenced position.

  2. ha..thats an episode of Seinfeld...i think Jerry said 4%

  3. duno, but not a lot

  4. 60%

  5. The percentage with good personalities. And a lot of people now a days have horrible personalities, so I'm sorry to say we live in an ugly world.

  6. Midtown Manhattan? 75%, then it drops rapidly as you move west and south.

  7. LOL at the guy saying 30% of population in india are good looking... dude there is ton's of indians around where I live and far far far far from "good-looking"... i've seen maybe 4-5 total indian chicks that look half decent, but thats bout it.

  8. What do you mean?

  9. N ow, in India it would be 50%. This question is again a vast one  and can be answered in many ways depending on region, culture and or the outlook.

    In general I would say at least 30 percent of any population will be considered good looking in any society. Others will fall in the category of average or below average.

  10. Depends on how good I feel that day.

    Good mood. Everyone's beautiful.

    Bad mood. Everyone's ugly.


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