
What percentage of the previous 100 questions (below) are against feminsm?

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I'm serious. It seems like this is the place for bitter men and women who don't really know anything about feminism but would like to blame it for everything. Just wondering. What are the stats from this random sample.

Against feminism:






  1. We are all here with our own opinions.  If we all agreed on everything this would be a very boring section of Yahoo Answers.

  2. If I had to estimate I'd say about maybe 45-50% the other half being either pro-feminism or nuetral. This is just based on the number of posts I see on this board from both sides.

  3. NOTE: All estimates are approximated to the nearest whole number, just to relieve you of decimal values.

    ----------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    Anti-feminist: 33%

    Pro-feminist: 33%

    Neutral: 34%

    All questions: 100%

    Do the stats yourself if you like. Mind you, I've been here for wayyyy too long, and this is my calculation from January 15.

    But considering the way you headlined the question, you'll most likely not believe me when I say both sides rant and rave equally. You obviously have a bias and I'm sure best answer to this question will be something stupid stating that anti-feminist question make up more than 76% of this site.

  4. there must be a valid reason for it.

    Isn't that the purpose of this category?

  5. I'm a female Anti-Feminist who shall now give you a brief low down on Feminism.  First wave Feminism was founded; mainly known as the Suffragettes; was founded in 1848 with their first meeting held in Seneca New York; following that meeting was the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. However, when studying American History thoroughly we learn that men and women who owned property were also given the right to vote.  From this point we move on to Second Wave Feminism; the most common fact about ths movement is Betty Friedan's book The Feminist Mystique and Andrea Dworkin; it is said a lot of mistakes were made here, as to what women were actually imposing; thus came along Third Wave Feminism, whose soul intent is to clean up the mess the Second Wave had made.  I don't believe in it, because I don't believe that belief in a single word is going to improve my lot in life.  The only thing that will do that is to have desire, to take action and to do; nothing else, but..

  6. Ummm...I'd say there was 55% against feminism, 40% for feminism and 5% that are neutral (shoulder pad questions, etc.)

  7. It's more like they see feminism for what it is not what feminists claim it is.

  8. Since I usually skip over the rude questions, I can't say exactly, but I am only interested in answering the nice questions and that is about one in ten.  I would guess 90% of the questions here are anti-feminism.  I don't know what their purpose is, because the vile nature of many of the questions and answers only underlines the continued need for the women's movement.  If I had never ventured onto this forum, I might also think that the need for feminism is over, but after reading all the hate spewed here, I start to believe that there is still alot of work to be done.

    I also wonder if some of the anti-fems go to the Sections for the Elderly and the Handicapped, and complain that the Elderly are ageists because they are not also fighting for younger non-senior citizen's rights at the same time that they are fighting for rights for senior citizens.  LOL  It sounds and is ridiculous, but the same kind of behavior here somehow passes as normal.

    It shows me that there are quite a few brain-washed females that aren't using their reasoning skills, if they really are females and not fake female identities for the anti-fems - yes, they do this...

    There is nothing sexist about working to improve your own lot in life.

  9. All I know is that there is a HUGE percentage of cry babies blaming everything from stupid laws to earthquakes on feminism.

  10. Typical feminist - no idea how to do research. You will come up with some percentage that fits the outcome you had in mind, and then repeat it for the next 40 years as if its a fact.

    Btw  The people who know most about feminism are usually totally against it.

  11. 49.87493028912%

  12. Who cares?

    There's a difference between people who hate feminism and people who hate women.

  13. I don't know the stats you'd have to count but I but the blame where it belongs. Simple reality.

  14. I would guess about 85 out of every 100 are anti-female questions.

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