
What percentage of the voters are going McCain/Palin just based on getting a woman to VP and beyond?

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What percentage of the voters are going McCain/Palin just based on getting a woman to VP and beyond?




  1. Whatever the percentage of people is in this country that are too stupid to be aware of the issues.

  2. That's as easy as pi...3.1416%

  3. I am not

  4. 0 women vote with their brains


  5. Hopefully 0%

    But just like handful of blacks that will vote for Obama just to support the black guy, I'm sure there will be a handful of women doing the same. Personally I vote on issues.

  6. I vote based on issues and things that are important to me and whichever candidate agrees most with my point of view. Whether someone is black, white, yellow, a woman or a man makes no difference to me.  

  7. We'd like to say 0%, but that may not be the case.

    We are generally a nation of lemmings; I'm sure there are hordes of women who want too see their gender in the white house, and will throw away whatever issues they were pretending to find important to help make it happen.

  8. Uh, I'm going to the Mall right now to conduct an unbiased survey of at least one person. Could go either way :-)

  9. I don't think it would be terribly high.  Glass ceiling might mean for Hillary fans than GOPers.

  10. Probably the same percentage that will vote for Obama just because he is african american.

  11. Don't know. But what I do know is the until last night I was pretty much going to sit out this election. Now, having listened to Palin, I'd vote for him just to get her into the White House. And, it has nothing to do with her being a woman. It has to do with the fact that finally, conservatives will have representation.

  12. 19%, Now ask this question again but use OBAMA instead

  13. not this whining hillary fan

    go OBAMA/ BIDEN '08

  14. The very small, ignorant percentage...most women are very smart and can think for themselves.  There is little need to point out the obvious...PALIN IS NO HILLARY CLINTON! ...and, in my humble opinion, Palin shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as its an insult to Hillary and her supporters.

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