
What percentage of their net income do most German's spend on rent/mortgage?

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What percentage of their net income do most German's spend on rent/mortgage?




  1. Housing prices vary a lot in Germany. Besides the fact that living in agglomerations is often costier (there s some exceptions in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg), you generally see very big differences between the north, south and the east.

    The south (especially the region around or south of Munich/Bavaria or Stuttgart and the region around Lake Constance) is by far more expensive than the north which again is more expensive than the east.

    Even if in the south, people tend to earn a little bit more, a big difference remains. Whilst it is hard to find a decent house for less than 400 000€ in the region around Munich, you can easily get a very nice one around Bremen for like 250 000€.

    So the percentage of the net income you pay for housing will definetly be higher in the south than elsewhere.

    If you re living in a nice region in the south, housing costs (including electricity, heating etc) can be around 50% of your net income but the overall average surely is lower than that.

  2. Even though I lived in Germany for 4 yrs., that was a question it would have been extremely rude to ask. We lived in a sm. village, they are often a bit more staid in a lot of ways. As this was 35 yrs. ago, perhaps things have changed by now.

  3. depends.... we pay about 30% average

  4. 30-35% is average

  5. its approx. 33% for a household!

    To rent is cheaper and a mortgage is a bit higher, but of course, its for your own!

    The Level of both ist very high, buts fortunately not growing since a couple of years. Of course, it depends of location,location,location, but is has a higher lever on average than in USA or Australia!

  6. I think 1/3 % or so, no one ever talks about there finances or anything...I have no clue how anyone of my family lives, and from what...ppl just don't talk about here!

  7. we pay what we can

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