
What percentage of troops support the war?

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just wondering also if you can put were you found it




  1. support it completely. i am a marine, enlisted and trained during a time of war, and my boyfriend is a marine on the books to be deployed next year. i have countless friends currently in iraq, fighting for our country and the things we take for granted, and i cant wait until my opportunity to do the same

  2. Field troops are required to support the government in all its decisions whether they agree or not.

    So if you ask the troops there, it would be 100%

  3. In the year 2003 about 100% said yes to the Iraq war. In the year 2008 no one in the military supports the war.

  4. not all of them chose to support the war.  Some joined the military for financial purposes, or for the education.  Why would you support a war that was not necessary and was misled to American people that it was necssary?  That is my counter-argument.

  5.   I doubt you will find a true poll on this subject.  The military/government will make it very high and anti-war groups will put in low.  

  6. Does the phrase "All Volunteer Force" mean anything to you?

    "There's no crying in Baseball!

    US Navy 1968-1972

  7. 100%, Common sense. 100% of the troops enlisted or re-enlisted since the war began. If they were against it why would they sign up?

  8. SFC Ollie is wrong and has obviously spent no time talking to anyone in the military if he has given you the answer 100%.  Perhaps if he was a bit more educated instead of seeing only what he wants to see, he would know that a very large number are in fact AGAINST it, after seeing it in person and having the romanticism removed.  Has he never picked up an Air Force or Army Times?  John, Kevin, and Airmonkey have the best answers.

  9. It's a little more then 80%. All of them realize that pulling out now would be a bad idea.

  10. Well, listen to how your question is phrased -- "How many troops support the war" ... vs how many believe we should withdraw troops. There is far more research of late on the latter, which is where you'll probably see more results. Nearly 80% of the military feels we should withdraw from Iraq -- not because they don't support the effort, but because the job is largely done. Iraqis are able to stand on their own two feet, and they're basking in their own wealth at this point, so the effort is literally draining the US economy.

    As far as how many SUPPORT the war -- they wouldn't be getting wounded and asking to hop on planes to join their buddies back in Iraq if they weren't supporting the effort.

  11. 100% some might not think it was handled right but they still support it.  

  12. the idiot above me says 100%.  100% of the soldiers fighting in Iraq aren't as stupid as that one!!!!!  

  13. Check out vietnam vets against the war: -

    And Iraqi veterans against the war: -

    These people are almost children when they enlist and is easy to brainwash them but once they've seen war many of them realise.

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