
What percentage of woman got a bfp on the day of their period being due?

by  |  earlier

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i am due today but got a negative with an evap line really quick but i really feel like i am really pregnant today my bbs started getting tender and seem fuller and i have slight naseua off and on and my cervix has not dropped down like it usually does the day before my period, my nipples aren't sore, and my cm is not abundant like it usually is before period




  1. My period was due on a Monday, when it didn't show I testes at 6:30 am Tuesday morning and got a BFP right away.

    Good Luck

  2. I did...good luck!

  3. I got a positive the day before my period was due with my first baby.  The second baby I didnt get ap ositive until I was three weeks late.  It depends.  The way I knew I was pregnant was because my cervix remained high hard and closed.  When I start my period it drops lower gets soft and is slightly open. Goodluck

  4. I took a pregnancy test the day of and got a negative, (or so I thought)  I took one again two days later and it was positive so I dug the other one out of the garbage and there was a very very faint line indicating positive on that one too.  Try again in a few days.

  5. The more you stress about pregnant the more likely your period will be postponed. So relax and don't think about it for a week and if it still hasn't come yet then see your doctor.

  6. I too was due today and so far no sign of period. From what I've been reading I'll wait another 2-3 days before I take the hpt. All the best!

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