
What percentage of young drivers in Australia and in NSW text and talk whilst driving?

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What percentage of young drivers in Australia and in NSW text and talk whilst driving?




  1. Who really knows ?????????????

    But I would guess and say about 90 percent do.

  2. who knows

  3. Hi you're best bet to find out an answer to such statistics is go possibly go off the accidents that are caused by such incidents.

    If I were you, I'd contact the Australian Insurance Association--or the Insurance Association for the area you are looking for.

    They can give you their research results for such a thing.

    Alternatively, cell phone companies would have also done a similar research--perhaps not necessairly on driving but probably on usage.

    Figure out who has the most to gain from such a situation & who would make the most $$--chances are they are the associations/industries to contact re: what you want to discover this information for.

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