
What percentage of your money do you give away?

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How much money do you normally give to charitable causes or church?

What percentage of your income is that?

How much time a week on average do you spend working with or for a charitable cause?

How old are you?

I'm doing a little research so thanks for your help. Be honest, its not like your being graded or something.




  1. About a 1,000 dollars a year in checks.

    Over 1000.00 a year in toys/teddy bears/baby clothes/crafts/and things for homeless shelters.

    I work to raise money for the Demelza House Children's Hospice in England. Have been doing it for 4 years. One year we were able to send 900.00 I also hold raffles, and send packages once a month.

    I am 40

    Charity is my life basically, it's what I prefer doing.

  2. I volunteer my time, about 100 hours a month.  I am on social security and don't have much cash, but I am long on "heart and commitment"

  3. Not a lot.  Probably not more than 1 - 2% in cash.  I tend to donate items to charity (churches, thrifts, etc) and to volunteer at local organizations.  At the moment I'm spending about 10 hours /week .  I can do this because I work from home and make my own schedule.

  4. My husband and I together donate about 5% of our GROSS income to charity in cash or goods every year (or about $7000).

    I also spend an average of about 10 hourse per week volunteering.

    I am 46 and he is 42.

  5. My husband and I give 10-15% of our income to church. Sometimes we give more. About $10-18K a year.

    I volunteer at our church around 15+ hours a week.

    I am 21 and my husband is 23.

  6. Like the Bible tells me to give.  I give 10% to my local church. And what does age have to do with it?  Everyone should tithe.  Whether it is money or giving of yourself.

  7. I spend between 10,000-15,000 yearly.

    I make about 250,000 per year. So that's between 4 and 6 percent. I always thought that it was a lot of money that I donated, but now that I look at it, it's not a big percent.

    Well, personally, I have a job so I only spend 3-5 hours a week volunteering. My 4 kids each get an allowance for doing chores AND spending 4 hours volunteering each week. Thats about 16 hours including the kids and my own hours.

    I'm 20. No just kidding. I'm 45 years old. I guess because I included by kids hours, I'll include there ages. They are all girls, ages 6, 8, 10, and 12.

  8. none

  9. I don't have a large income, (disability), but I still manage to give away about 2-5% or so of it. I spend about 3-4 hours a week volunteering. I would like to do more, but at this point, I am not physically able.

    I can give as much as I do because I do not live alone. If I lived alone, I would not be able to give much of anything at all.

  10. We donate to our church.

    We are on a fixed income

    so we donate when we are able.

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