
What percentage of your paycheck goes to pay for public transportation or gas?

by Guest64856  |  earlier

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What percentage of your paycheck goes to pay for public transportation or gas?




  1. In my case (gas for automobile) about 4%.

  2. I fly.

  3. WAY too much! And I work close to home!

  4. $0.00

    I own my business so none of my out of pocket pay goes towards fuel, lease or maintence.  It is a benefit!

    Before I started my company I spent probably $60/weekon gas commuting + $600/month car payment + $200/insurance

  5. None - I walk or ride my bike to work - saves money and keeps me in shape!

  6. about 14%. $45-50 per week

  7. i drive for a living and so all vehicle expenses run me about 30% of what i make

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