
What percentile am i in for my combined sat score?

by Guest32827  |  earlier

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my cumulative score was 2320

math: 800

verbal: 770

writing: 750

essay: 12

thanks in advance!




  1. The collegeboard sends out a detailed report about a month after the test date with your percentiles, and they might even be online when you log in. I got around the same scores as you, so your math is obviously in the 99th percentile, your verbal is also probably in the 99th percentile, and your writing might be slightly lower, maybe the 97th or 98th. Either way, once you get above 750 or so the colleges don't really care, because the rest is lucky guesses.

  2. WOW.  Great SAT score.  I wish I could have done that good (Im about 450 off of that)

  3. I got a 2280 and I'm an undergrad at Yale.

    You're in the "genius like Gary N" percentile. Good job.

  4. Because it varies between each test date, it's hard to be 100% sure, but most of your scores seem to be between the 97th and 99th percentile...of course that varies between the state you are in also and national percentages.

    Great job.

    What grade are you in???

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