
What period of history are you fascinated by?

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I'm extremely fascinated by pirates and sailors from history. I find them amazingly interesting. What part of history are you fascinated about?




  1. About 200-400 AD.

                                    I would really like to know who or which individuals knocked up the bibles.

  2. All History is fascinating - especially the pirates! I also love learning about the Ancient Egyptians! All about the mummies and what they believed in, their ways of life - thats interesting!

  3. so many things, but my favorites are Tudor England, 1916-1921 Ireland, and WW2

  4. 1700's-1800's (WOW!!)

    everything about those centuries are fascinating. and i mean everything :)

  5. today's United States. Its amazing to me how a country's own leaders have systematically embarked on a path to make the lives of its citizens as a whole as bad as possible...almost as if they hate americans and secretly work for americans enemies.......and definitely not working to serve the will of the people as a whole.

    Its is amazing to see the collapse of what used to be a country that used to be such a shining light.  But systematically some people have decided that the things that worked for most of our history and certainly to great success since the end of world war 2, were not the way to go and wanted to implement new theories and new ways of doing sending our jobs overseas, and taxing the rich less, and running govt on deficits and devaluing our dollar, allow any illegal alien who wanted to come here to do so for their cheap labor etc...etc... that all of these things though our instincts tell us are wrong and bad for us, we have been told by our leaders that they are actually good for us..that our constitution is quaint and old fashioned and that sometimes we have to torture and deny rights and spy warrantlessly and say that signing statements can allow the prez to disobey the law and that perpetual war with no end in sight is actually a wise approach.  It would all be so comical were it not so sad.

  6. Alexander the Great

    Roman Empire (Julius Ceaser - Augustus era, that is to say the civil wars)

    I love getting into the mind of Alexander the Great, the fact that he had a mission to do and that he was h**l bent on getting. He wasn't the nicest man at times and he was ruthless, but that just makes me more fascinated by him. He truly believed he was a god.

    I also love the whole Julius Ceaser versus Pompey, and Marcus Antonius  and Cleopatra versus Octavius (Augustus). I just think those years of civil war are like something out of a fiction book and think it is amazing that it actually happen. I am also fascinated byt hose times because of how war was fought for honour as well as land and money. I also like ancient Athens and Sparta and the Illiad even though I know they are fiction.

  7. I started my love for history with Ancient Egypt, mainly the Ptolemaic dynasty. Then I learned about Ancient Romans, which then I fell in love with again, from the start of Rome with Romulus and Remus to the end of the Western Roman Empire with Romulus Augustulus. Of course I couldn't restrain myself from learning about the Greek Mythology. So then I had thought I loved ancient history, but after learning about the Byzantine Empire Empire, I started to get more interested in religion, so I started to learn about Christianity, which of course lead me to the Medieval Period. So I started to learn about The Tudors dynasty, it poped out, especially Queen Mary I. Then I had followed all dynastys, till I got to George III, he then also poped out, so I then fell in love with the 1700's (mainly there clothing :P). And so I started to learn about slavery, which then took me into women and human rights. So I kinda like everything about history. Speaking as if everyone were a whole, I guess history defines who we are today and will define who we are tomorrow :)

    (If I were to live in a different century, I would live in Ancient Rome at the time of Gaius Julius Caesar and Augustus (Octavius))

  8. There are a number of periods about which I enjoy reading and learning as much as I can.

    The evolution of Rome from republic to empire is one, and the medieval period is another.  I'm always up for anything on the Tudors, and another is pioneer life in what is now the US from about the 1670's to the end of the American Revolution.

    I couldn't give you a reason why these periods are of such abiding interest to me--all I can say is that three of them date back to my childhood and adolescence, while one piqued my curiosity after I was an adult.

  9. the russian revolution  

  10. 1900-1950

    Mostly all the wars that happened mainly Polish or involving Poland.

  11. My favourite is Middle Ages, all 1000 years of them. After that, anything and any time. History rocks!

  12. Witches and witch-hunting in the Early Modern Period, the Reformation, and the world wars

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