
What permissions do we need to start publishing a local magazine/newspaper (in Brisbane, Australia)?

by Guest34326  |  earlier

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A friend (Korean) and I (Australian) have an idea for a local magazine/newspaper for people learning English in Brisbane, Australia.

Neither of us have a background in journalism or publishing. We are mainly interested in doing it for the fun of it and to help people with a low level of English in Brisbane get information about living in Brisbane, tips to learn English and to give them a forum.

At this point we'd like to know what our legal obligations are if we start publishing. Do we have to register the magazine somehow? How can we do this?

What if we interview someone? Or publish submissions/letters/emails from readers? Do we need to get them sign some sort of consent to use their work or responses?

How about photos of people? Do we need permission from people in photos?

Any other tips about getting it printed cheaply (probably will be all black & white to start with) and anything else about publishing would also be appreciated.





  1. you need to scroll down to the Aussie flag and ask there..this is the US and we don't know.

  2. You can ask this kind of question anywhere.  This site is not set up just for the septics.  As for the answer I don't know but I could offer you an exclusive story if you get it up and running.

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