
What persentage of teenagers accually have s*x?

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea, they say that only like 17% do, but ithink a lot of them lie. What do u think?




  1. No one knows for sure.  Statistics aren't reliable because people lie.  I seriously don't believe it's 17%.  Something more close to 50% sounds right.

  2. I think the official PERCENTAGE (that's how it's actually spelled) is like, a little under 50%.

    That seems quite low to me. I think it's actually higher.  

  3. On it says:

    "Over half of all teens are not having s*x, and of the half that are, most regret it and wish they had waited."

    Go to

    Another site I found is

  4. I think it is WAYYY more than that. Like 80% or higher. =/

  5. I'm not really sure of the correct stats but I'd say maybe 39%?

    It really is unappealing to see sixteen year olds lugging around babies-they should have waited. It's sickening to think that people so young ruin their lives this way.

    I think it's wrong, in any way or form. My boyfriend and I are defiantly going to stay virgins until marriage. I'm glad he has dignity and loves me enough not to pressure me. : )

  6. Well out of my group of mates only me and another girl have had s*x so I think the precentage is low!!

    xoxo ♥

  7. Surveys of high school students show that about 37% have had s*x by the age of 15, and close to 70% by the time they graduate from high school.  Surveys are not always the most reliable source of data, but if sampling and questioning are done correctly, the estimates can be within about 5% of the true values.

    EDIT: I didn't make up these numbers.  They come from the best surveys available, using national samples of high school students.  You may not like it, but you can believe it.

  8. I think about 17% do in real life but i think a lot (mainly males) lie and say they have when they haven't.

  9. I dont know i dont!

  10. yeah right @ 17%

    id say about 20%. plus you have to think off those that do different forms of it. then id say about 30%.



  12. I've hear 50% of teens and 80% before marrige, so I assume 30% had s*x following their 20th birthday but before their wedding.

  13. Yes, i think the percentage is wrong. Mainly because not every teen feeses up to having s*x. But I would say most are doing it. It is wrong, but if they use protection and get on birth control and stuff, at least there doing it smartly, if that's a word.

  14. A LOT of teenagers have s*x. Most of the people that i know arent virgins and are sexually active

  15. I think that those who are into s*x and have the opportunity to do so will!! Simply because alot of teens who may be heavily influenced by a friend or boyfriend don't know when to say no! If I'd have to give it a number i would say about 30% admit it and 20% are afraid to

  16. Maybe the ones that can spell percentage.. and actually?

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