
What person in history had the biggest impact?

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  1. Whoever figured out how to control fire.  We don't know his name, but he made the first massive human discovery.  Because of him, we could keep safe at night by scaring off animals with the flames, cook edible food, socialize around a focal point of the group, etc.  He started it, and we all followed.

  2. George Washington, without him, there wouldn't be a US, without him, he wouldn't have inspire many revolutionary leaders to seek independence that create the countries today.

  3. Adolf Hitler...

    He showed why Jesus is important

  4. Grog of the Cave Bear Clan

    Grog's real and practical achievements far surpass those of the mythical character called "Jesus H. Crist."

  5. Jesus. His life story affect every part of the planet by having believers and non-believers both. Still at odds today.

  6. Jesus Christ

  7. Mao Zedong.  He was in charge of the largest modern state in the world at its most volatile periods.  His reforms single-handedly reshaped the Asian continent and our relations with it.  I wish I knew more about him, I want to read that "Mao" book.

  8. John McCain because he passed down the secret of fire from one generation to another.

  9. Grog of the Cave Bear Clan was dubbed "person with the biggest impact in history" for him being the first to come up with the idea of gods, goddesses, angels, devils and things that go bump in the night in the  year 60456 BC.....  And the world has never been the same since.

  10. This is too large a question because it depends on whom you ask and from what culture.

    You should prepare for many answers and many details on the why.

    Allow me to digress to a philosophical place.

    No one is more important than you are in the place in history.

    If you were not here to ask this question then none of the others would make any difference.  A list of names will not suffice.  One name will not suffice.

    You pick a name and then decide how that name is more important than another.  Study all cultures, all religions, all mythology and all points of view and then pick a name.

    Do you begin to understand?

  11. novah ,ha was a prephet that had1000 years old age ,probably he had biggest impact for his age specially he made a sheep and take and care of many animals in sheep in storm.

  12. steve gutenburg, I mean johan guttenberg, inventor of the printing press. This took power away from the elites through education, spreading ideas with writing, and also with the printing of the bible created new religious denominatons and weakend the church.

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