
What pet is best for me?

by  |  earlier

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I would like either a bunny, mouse, or gerbil.

My Dad does not like pets that could escape.

My sister is mildly allergic to bunnies.

I don't know what to get!!




  1. dont get a bunny if your sister is allergic that could be a mess onless you dont like your sister but that isn't the point well mice are small they can escape keep you should get a gerbil but i think hamsters are cuter i have one

  2. hmmm well i would get a guinea pig. They are active in the day, they are medium sized so they can be picked up and pet easily. they hardly ever bite!

  3. chinchillas are big and smart shake a raisin box and they will run straight to you

    See if shes alergic to chinchillas

    any pet can excape even fish!

    get metal cages with a hard plastic bottom with a mettal cart under it

  4. can you answer these simple questions?

    1)What is your schedule like (how much time do you spend away from home, on average?)

    2) How much space do you have available for your pet?

    3) Can you feed your pet fresh veggies, or would you rather stick to pellets?

    3) Honestly, what do YOU think is best for you?

    4)What is your preferred price range? (how much can you spend for the pet and everything it needs)?

    I can further answer your question if you answer those. Thanks!

  5. Listen to JC R. I suggest getting males insted of females because they are less territoral.And if you use a 10 gallon glass aquaram they won't escape. But if you get gerbils you have to get 2 from the same family of the same gender because just 1 will be depressed.

    Here's a site that helped me out when I got my gerbils.


  6. if your sister is allergic to bunnies i would say no to that one.  And mice and gerbils are equally able to escape.  Ever thought about a rat? I know they sound wierd but I used to have two fancy rats and they were great! Just make sure the cage you get if you get one doesnt have ANY plastic anywhere because they'll chew right through it. I had to learn that the hard way. They kind of have a wierd smell to them too.  It's hard to explain.  maybe a hamster would be good for you, they sleep alot lol.  

  7. Don't get a bunny if your sis is allergic, it will just cause more trouble in the household.

    Mice are fun, but they only live about a year and a half and they are fairly good escape artists.

    Gerbils can be mean if you don't handle them on a daily bases.

    I personally recommend a rat.  They are very friendly, are trainable, are are big enough to not fit through really small holes. You just have to make sure you have a big enough cage, and you will have a tiny pet that you can treat like a dog. My rats even l**k me when i great them.  

  8. gerbils are excellent pets i have two girls and thier fun and not hard to take care of!! they wont escape in an aquarium with a top!!

  9. if your sister is allergic to bunnies i wouldn't get that one, and gerbils can be pretty mean. But I absolutely love mice so i think that's the best. Most mice don't really try to escape especially if you get a good cage like critter tail cages. Hope that helps!  

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