
What pet is entertaining?

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I want i fun pet, not a cat or a dog. nothing TOO big. Must be fairly social. any ideas? I am open too anything




  1. definetly a kitten or dog trust me

  2. Ferrets.

    They are very energetic and playful and so so funny.  They are smaller than cats and bigger than hampsters.  You can walk them on a leash, too!

    However, and I cant stress this to you enough, they are a lot of work.  As much work as you have to put into a cat should be put into a ferret.  People often buy them because they are small and have a cage but then give them away because they smell or are harder to care for then they thought.  Please do your research before buying a pet.

  3. A degu - like a cross between a rat and a guinea pig, these are lovely things.

    Or a mynah bird, they can imitate sounds better than parrots.

  4. A rat. Smart, clean and cute. :)

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