
What pet is right for me?

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My family owns two cats already, but I'd really like to get a (small) pet of my own. My parents are really sensitive to animal smells though, so nothing strong-smelling.

I've had fish for the last four years, and I really want something that I can pick up and hold. Fish are great to look at, but you can't interact with them as much as I would like.

Any suggestions for me to look into?




  1. How about sugar gliders? They r known as pocket pets. :) You can bring them anywhere you go and also it has a long live span. I suggest you keep a female as male are more smelly :P

  2. Cats are stinky, hairy and just LOVE to be loved.  If not for you, why not try a lap-dog?

    I have a Pom-Chi.  Just precious! She has no bad odors.  So easy to outdoor train by using a bell hanging on the door.

    Just remember that no matter what you get, it will need lots of love and attention from you.

    Good luck...and going to a pound is an excellent way to save a life and make yourself happy too!

  3. Get a hamster! They are cute and don't smell too bad.

  4. Go to your local shelter or rescues and look into different pets that they don't usually handle (ie, dogs and cats), as many (not all) shelters (like county, city) aren't equipped for small mammals.

    I recommend against "tea cup" dogs because in order to gain their small size, they have been inbred runt to runt to obtain that size, and are predisposed to getting ill and you may have a lot of vet bills.

  5. Dogs are hard to handle especially when you already have cats. Hamsters have strong smells though. My advice is to look into a lizard(  although many people find them freaky)

    Bearded Dragonz do not smell and are kind of cool to watch.

    Snakes are also nice. Turtles are the best though and are really cool to observe. Athough with turtles you have to feed them live worms( which is not as bad as it sounds!)

    Anyway hope this helped!

  6. sugar glider

  7. get a tea cup puppy, ( a dog that will stay little all its life) or a hamster

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