
What pet should i get? i want to have a guinea pig but im confuse..?

by Guest61008  |  earlier

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can you give me some tips on what to do when buying a pet? I'm a 2nd yr student and i have a flower horn(fish) I'm quite busy in school but i want to have a pet other than fish.. what kind of pet should i get the one that i can just leave after feeding but i don'twant dogs or cats or any expensive animals...




  1. You could try getting a hamster. They are easy to look after, they are cute,  they don't cost much and they can be easy to tame at a early age.

  2. To be honest Guinea pigs require attention, they also like to squeal for it so I SUGGEST you get something with less maintenance, like a nice hamster, Black bear hamsters are unusually friendly and almost never bite, you can get an ornate cage with many tubes and what him play in them or run in his wheel, all you have to do is feed it, fill his bottle with water and change his litter every now and then, they require almost no human interaction and are usually silent, I suggest a male because females tend to produce a foul smelling whitich liquid (More cleaning), you want a cuddly, cute, fun pet that you don't have to mind all the time? Get a hamster!

  3. a GP or rabbit might be fine as long as their cage is really big or you take them out sometimes..

    this is a good link - it also gives you care tips and ideas on purchasing

    as always NEVER buy from a pet store - check your local shelters FIRST!!!

    by a big cage I mean at least 4sq feet if you are not going to play with it lots..  

  4. A ferret, turtle, lizard, spider (dont get a gerbil, Guinea pig or a hamster they die way to fast)

  5. A guinea pig, rabbit, or hamster. All those you can just feed and leave them.

    I will say that a rabbit can be the easiest to care for, if you get them litterbox trained. But they can also be more expensive than the other choices. 20-150 dollars depending on the breed.

    If I were you, I would go to a pet store, and say that you're not buying today but you need some info on some pets. Explain your situation to them, and they'll give you some nice choices. While you're there you can also figure out how much it will cost you. If you're really interested in something, take it home. But I'd suggest thinking it over for a bit.

  6. maybe a hamster im trying to get one and there only 10 dollars to buy and there small!

  7. Guinea pigs are way too high strung and can take forever to warm up to you.

    Ferrets are cool, but can stink up really fast.

    Mice make awesome pets. They are fairly intelligent and friendly. I had one that lived for three years and it never bit me, wouldn't pee on me, and hoped into my hand when I put it into the cage.

    Sugar Gliders are really cool to. They glide like flying squirrels and are really intelligent and friendly. They can be kept in a cage or be allowed out on their own and I'm pretty sure you can litter box train them if you'd like.

    Whatever you do, don't get a hamsters, gerbil, or rabbit. Both hamsters and gerbils are mean and nocturnal so don't expect to play with them much and keep getting woken up by them. While rabbits are nice and sweet they p**p and pee their body weight like every hour and is impossible to keep their cage clean.

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