
What pet should i get ?? please help me!!?

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it needs to be none smelly pretty small so i can keep it in my room....

thnxx for ur help guys




  1. Whatever you do don't get a rabbit. They can't live happily shut up in a room. They need a large outdoor pen to be able to run around in to live happily.

    All I can think of would be a rodent such as a rat/hamster/mouse. Or a turtle/lizard/snake.

  2. Get a cockatiel, parakeet, or any small bird. They are small, don't smell, and are not very noisy. They can also be very cuddly.

  3. Ferrets or guinea pigs. you hay have heard that Guinea pigs stink right?

    well if you have a cage for them and not have paper or straw and have sawdust your guinea pig will not smell. Clean the cage about every 2 weeks i think they are a good pet =]. Male Ferrets are stinky animals but females are not as stinky. if you keep them in a clean environment then they will not stink. If you have a dog ferrets like to play with dogs and creep around the house especially climbing up stairs.

    It is your choice on what pet you get  but i am just giving you two suggestions

  4. a yorkie terrier!  

  5. Get some fish, start with a little tank if you like having them keep you company, get a bigger tank with more animals. should help, they have many items here.

  6. a maltese

  7. Bigfoot!

  8. i got a cat a fish a gardener snake they don't bite a bird and lots of small animals pick yourself ok have a good time with your new pet

  9. fish! they dont smell, and very low mantinence!

    but if you want something that can roam your house, then i suggest a cat or small dog.

    birds smell, dont get them lol

    but you can also try turtles or geckos or something.

    or rabbits, just dont get a boy and a girl! ...but the do tend to smell sometimes, all you have to do is keep their cage clean!  :P

    hope that helps! good luck!

  10. fish or snake.

  11. A rat.

    I know alot of people think they are gross, but thats just because your thinking of the ones from sewers. :P

    You can train them to go on a pad.

    They sit on your shoulder, and love your company.

    You can make them do tricks, just like dogs.

    Nice, and quiet, and not smelly if you give them baths, and make sure you clean the cage every week.

    I love them. :] They make great pets.


  13. I would say a dwarf hamster they are small and fluffy.

    They are easy to take care of and they are only like 3 inches and that's small.

    Is this the pet your looking for it was for me.

  14. how about a hamster? they're cute, cuddly, and not that hard to manage!

  15. all animals can be smelly.

    hamsters aren't too bad if you keep them clean,

    snakes, turtles, most reptiles, but i doubt you'd like feeding live mice/ crickets to them if you don't like bad smells!


  16. a golden terrior or a guinea pig

  17. a parakeet or bunny

  18. Birds are nice pets.  They don't really have much of an odor, but you do need to clean the cage every week or every couple weeks.  A pionus is a pretty bird about 11" long and is usually very sweet.  It is a good starter bird as is the cockatiel and budgie.  The pionus is around $500 depending on where you get them.  

  19. Goldfish or fish. If a room is all you have for it no other amimal should be bought. Most things need fresh air, room to move/ run and fish survive with artifical light and a tank or bowl.  

  20. Fish can be entertaining and studies say they can be stress relieving. Plus they don't smell and they're very low maintenance. They can go 2 weeks without food .Go for colorful, vibrant ones!

  21. Snake.

    A corn snake.

  22. snake,lizard VERY little to no smell

    fish (eg.bata),hermit crab,Guinea pig,turtle very little smell when cage changed often

  23. well, i would advise against most mammals, as they can be smelly sometimes. I'm getting an iguana soon, but they get pretty big, so maybe that's not for you. Maybe a pretty tree frog or lizard! you could also get fish, if that's your thing. theres a whole plethora of pets you can choose from, I'm sure if you go to a pet store nearby they would have good suggestions. hope that helps!

  24. a goldfish

  25. a kitten or a hamster

    u can also get a dog..a small breed like a jack russel terrier,a chiwawa( although not recommended),or a troy breed

  26. try some fish that about the non smelly animal

  27. small dog

  28. Really, we need more information on what you'd prefer.

    Though some suggestions would be:

    hermit crabs,


    a selection of reptiles,


    Try browsing your local pet store for more ideas.

  29. rabbit, ferret, hamster?

  30. GERBIL

  31. Honestly, I don't there are any pets like that (unless you want a stuffed animal?). If you want to bend, you could get a mouse, rat, or hamster?.

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