
What pet to get? 10 points to answer?

by Guest21524  |  earlier

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I want to get a pet i had fish and turtles years ago but i don't want to do that again because water conditions are hard i want something to hold i had horses and wild game when i lived in a farm but i had to sell them because i moved to the city so i want a dog but i don't know what my parents would say they said i could get a gog but up until now they haven't gotten me one so what do i get i will try something exotic like hedgehog,ocelot,fennec fox that kind of thing i hate rodents and reptiles and i'm not a cat person and i can't have smelly animals which means no pigs or ferrets cause my mom won't let me




  1. I would do some research into the animals you could try. Although your list of cant's leaves the list small.

    You hate reptiles? Like all of them? I have a bearded dragon and it is one of the best animals I have ever owned!! They start out like 3 - 4 inches and my guy is now like a foot and a half. He, at first has that scary look to him, but everyone that sees him (I take him out and about) falls in love and soon becomes an owner themselves.

    Another option is a bird. This would be something that you would have to do alot of research to find out which type of bird would be best. A sun conure, which I have, are fun and playful but also very noisy!!

    Ok: Reptiles I would suggest at least looking into:

    Crested Gecko, Bearded Dragon, some type of frog or toad - fire belly or tree frog.

    You HATE Rodents? Just look into these:

    Small Animals: hedge hog, sugar slider, and a guinea pig, also a rabbit.

    Birds: There are a wide variety of birds. If this interests you I am serious about doing extensive research as to which type would be best. It may cost you a bit more, but they are very loving and playful. Some can even out live you! Some are very loud and noisy and others are quite and content. There are sun conures, Jenday conures, green cheek conures, cockatiels, parakeets, cockatoos, macaws, african grey, Quarker parrot, and many many more!!

    Here is a link to different care sheets so you can look up different animals and get n overview of what it ill take to care for them.

    Best of luck to you!! Again, do some research. Just because an animal doesn't seem like it will be a good pet to you at first doesn't mean you won't enjoy it.

  2. get a camel

  3. maybe a budgie or a parrot?


  4. a rabbit?

  5. Look into sugar gliders. those things are awsome!

  6. sugar glider, its unusual and everyone will go crazy over it...nice pet

  7. Get a descented Farrett. . . or two of them. They're great pets!  

  8. gerbils there so kl and u know it

    instead of me blabing on check the site it gives every thing on gerbils


  10. get a a sunk they take out the smelly things and then you can have one for a pet  

  11. well, u said you don't want all the animals except dog! then get a dog.

    but i prefer a hamster myself.

    ( i have  a syrian hamster! he is are so friendly and cute. he is my little baby! i love him!)

  12. I know you say you don't like rodents but one of my favorite pets as a kid was gerbils.  They are friendlier than hamsters, they don't tend to bite like hamsters.  They are cleaner than hamsters, you don't have to change their bedding as often.  They are really cute.  Also I think Chinchillas are cute.

  13. the new pet craze is hemit crabs but i think its too wierd

    heres a  website for you to have a look at  ( for allsorts of types of pets theres not just reptiles on there!)


  14. get a parrot they make great pets and are easy to take care of, just don't let it fly out because that's what happened to mine. you can teach it how to talk too!

    or you can just get a small dog like a yorkie (I have one) they are super adorable and easy to keep because they are so tiny

    hope this helps!!!!!!!!!

  15. There are certain things you should consider when picking a pet. How big is your room? How much time will you have to spend with your new pet? Is there a qualified vet in your area? Are there any local ordinances for exotic animals? What is your budget for a pet?

    Ocelots are illegal to own as a pet. Fennecs usually require a license, and can cost hundreds a month.

    Hedgehogs, degus, chinchillas are excellent pets-as are sugar gliders, but they require a lot of work and attention. Have you considered birds?

  16. you said you might try something exotic. So why not try sugar gliders? they are very friendly and cute. they don't smell too much either. They are best in pairs but can live alone if you build a good relationship between you and them.They are energetic and need a good diet but are not hard to look after. You should try researching them at some point. They are quite expensive to buy but their food etc is cheap and easy to look after.

  17. I would get a rabbit they dont really smell as such and their really a cute pet to have and their really cheap to buy as well !! Their a great pet to have !!  

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