
What pet would be best for my ten year old sister?

by Guest62372  |  earlier

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What pet would be best for my ten year old sister?




  1. A hamster or a bunny

  2. a shihtzu, a canary,

  3. What are your parents willing to pay for and take care of is a much better question to ask.

  4. well the majority of people are saying hamster, but i can HONESTLY honestly say that they are not my favorite pets. i worked at a pet store and go to a vet tech school and had to take care of the lab animals and to tell you the truth, rats are much much much more sociable and actually cleaner than hamsters. when i was cleaning cages i got bit by hamsters on a daily basis, but never once by a rat. rats are also much smarter than hamsters, if a rat gets out of its cage, it is almost guarenteed that it will be back standing on the cage later where as a hamster is gone forever! plus you can always get them a hamster ball and let them run around the house in it! anyway, you could also go with the reptile side, geckos are super cool and so are bearded dragons, they are both relatively low maintence, but as with any animal really, set ups can get expensive. there is really a plethora of small animals that are suitable for a 10 year old and that you would probably enjoy your self. just check out the pet store and ask an associate, and maybe you should ask her what she thinks?

  5. Rats make lovely pets. Please don't get her a bunny they are not very good with kids and a BIG responsibility. Keep in mind that ten year olds should not be expected to take full responsibility of a pet.

  6. bunnies are a lot of work. i have two. i suggest a hampster.

  7. A dog. Some breeds like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are gentle and good with kids.

  8. beta fish are easy and beautiful.  They are also known as chinese fighting fish.  Just get 1 though & the males are prettier than females.  They are cheap and you can get 1 in your favorite color combination.  We had a turquoise and red one.  If you hold your finger up to their bowl, it'll puff up it's fins like it want to fight your finger.  They are so pretty and live quite awhile - several years

  9. DON'T give her a bunny

    bunnie's don't like being held.. and cuddled and sooner or later, your sister willbe bored and stop taking care of them.

    i suggest a.. dog or a hamster. Maybe, MAYBE birds

    they are quite loud though

    Fish.. I guess you could get a couple for entertainment...

  10. ya need to think about the maintenance part of any animal.  bunny's are a lot of work and for a 10 year old it's probably to much.  same with rats and other furry little things.  frogs are pretty easy to take care of just buy the food and clean the tank every so often.

  11. ohhh a chiwawa!!!

  12. what would be best I think might be a hamster or a rabbit. Start small and if she can handle the hamster or rabbit and wants to get a bigger animal, maybe get a small dog for her. If she isnt into those kind of animals maybe a cool fish or a hermit crab.

  13. i think a hamster or a bunny.

    but i think a bunny would be the best

  14. bunny

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