
What pets would you never allow your kids to have in your home no matter what.....?

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Snakes and spiders for me, they give me horrid chills.




  1. snakes for sure

  2. Two of my daughters will not even kill a spider they find in the house. They scoop them up and put them outside.

    I would probably allow any animal because all of my children are animal lovers and were very responsible with their care. My oldest has dedicated her life to rescuing abandoned  and abused dogs, mainly rottweilers or other intimidating breeds because they are so hard to find homes for. She has taken in and found good homes for at least 25 dogs over the years. She is my hero!

  3. Elephant (no room for one)

  4. Ferrets scare me, so definitely no ferrets.

    Any other animals are fine; we already have 2 dogs and a cat.

  5. Any type of rodent....

    I would rather kiss a snake than to even see a picture of a mouse, rat , hamster etc.....

  6. As long as they research it and can take care of it properly, anything goes in our home because we love animals. Currently we have a dog, a cat, 4 turtles, a lizard, and 2 snakes. Sadly, our daughter's spider just died last weekend. She is raising ladybugs right now. And our son even had a Madagascar hissing cockroach named Cutie several years ago. :)

  7. a tarantula

  8. Same here, I would be so freaked about them getting out. But with 5kids there is no time for pets. As much as we love our dog Bailey I think I need to give her up. I don't have the time anymore.

  9. Mice or hamsters or tarantulas.  Basically any critter that I couldn't bring myself to pick up if it got loose.

    I might be able to deal with a very small garden snake.

  10. Let's just say the only pets Johnny is going to be able to have is a cat... Possibly a dog.  

    No snakes, lizards, mice, spiders, frogs... I wouldn't be able to sleep in the house, LOL

  11. lets just list what I will allow.



    Maybe cats

    and fish

  12. Any kind of bug... no spiders, no ant farms, no summer beetle collections.

    No snakes.

    No small rodents, they can get loose too easy.

    No lizards or salamanders

    Well, let's just say this... they only pets we will ever have are dogs and perhaps a fish tank.

  13. well not birds.......they atract roches and other bugs. i would stick to the basic dog or cat. maybe a bunny if it lives out side ....they c**p every were. my best choice would be a small dog. my moms friend who is a childrens specialist said small dogs.

  14. A bird...budgie, parot etc. I think it's cruel to keep a bird like that & the yapping noise is unbearable.

    Dogs....I hate dogs.

  15. Nothing that will get big and can kill us.    Snakes, alligators, spiders things of that nature also i am terrified of all rodents so no mice, rats, guniepigs, ferret. Just cat, dog birds

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