
What philanthropies does your work place participate in?

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I work in an office of about 50 people. It's a re;etively new company. We just started an event committee and are looking philanthropy/social event ideas. What have you done at your work place?




  1. I work for a multi-national, multi-billion dollar company.  Obviously, projects & events vary from location to location.  Here are a few things that we do/have done in my local area:

    Bring lunch to the school for homeless children once a month.

    Take the kids from the homeless school Christmas shopping (the company donates $100 for each child to buy gifts for their families).

    Send groups of employees to repair & ensure safety at the homes of elderly & disabled citizens.

    Sponsor art programs through local schools.  We have a gallery of the kids' art here at the office, and throw a party for the artists and their families once a quarter.

    Participate in science fairs.  We're a tech company, so we have lots of "brainacs" who can mentor students, and/or judge the competition.

    Sponsoring youth programs at professional conferences for women.  Again, we're a tech company, and we need to encourage the expansion of women in math & science related fields.

    There's a ton more that we do, but not enough room to list it all.  I hope that gives you some good ideas.

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