
What philosophy, or world view would an article about a cop trying to help kids under bad influences be ?

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this cop is a youth liaison officer who is an old fashioned type of person who believes in respecting elders and to get respect give it , get it. he also wants to teach kids to be comfortable around the police, as they come from cultures who are taught to be afraid of the police. wat philosophy or world view is conveyed in this topic/article do you think?




  1. I'd say about 90% of the world views ever dreamed up.  Am I misunderstanding the question?

    Are there any world views you can think of, any religions which don't teach respect for elders, earning respect, respect for authority? Without going off into real bizarre things like satanism and the more extreme forms of anarchism?

    Why do you ask?

  2. I suppose it's simply trust.

    Hegel (and, in to a lesser extent, Rousseau) argued that for an individual in society to be content and happy they would have to identify their own wants and desires with the  "State" of which the police was merely an arm.

    Getting kids to be comfortable and identify with police I suppose could be seen as a modification on this theme. Hegel can be seen as a forerunner of modern liberalism so perhaps that is what you are looking for?

    ...of course, he is also seen as a forerunner of modern dictatorships too depending on your slant.

    ....sorry, that's the best I can do! Hope that helps a bit!

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