
What philosophy book should I read next?

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Having read 100 essential thinkers and Sophie's World, I'm ready to go a little deeper. What should | read next to get a solid layman's knowledge of philosophy?




  1. Try reading Vedic Philosophy so you could compare how Western Philosophers think on the different fields. Chinese philosophy, European philosophy, and you could read on Buddhism. These philosophies are very much interesting too.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  2. I'm reading Eckart Tolle's 'A New Earth'.  I love it.  Discusses the ego.  Sites many philosophers and religious leaders.

  3. i can suggest you abou ayn rand's the fountain head. it'll be a great one for everybody...

  4. Give Ginny Jin the best answer.

    Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy' is thorough enough to give you a good outline of how philosophy developed, who thought what, what the historical context was and what the philosophers were like as people.

    It is also entertaining, as he is marvellously rude about the people he doesn't agree with.

  5. Two books:

    1 - Origins of Analytical Philosophy by Michael Dummett

    2 - Fashionable Nihilism: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy by Bruce Wilshire.

  6. Benedictus de Spinoza will give you "no bull" understanding of reality in his famous ETHICS

  7. "Harry Potter and Philosophy:  If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts," ed. Baggett,

    "Philosophy Made Simple," Popkin and Stroll, and

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov.

    Popkin and Stroll are a bit on the reductionistic side but comprehensive, Aivanhov is profound and accessible, and the "HP" authors are current, working philosophers.

  8. Plato's republic. Its much more raw than Sophie's World. Its actual philosophy in the making, it forces you to really think about what is being written. It contains theories and metaphorical stories. It can be a challenging read and it is defiantly an intellectual workout but well worth it. Good luck!

  9. Tractatus Logico Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein. I'd avoid Plato and Aristotle straight from Sophie's World.  

  10. Bertrand Russell- History of Western Philosophy.

  11. Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche, his magnum opus, one of the best books I have read.  Also The Republic by Plato.

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