
What phone can i get that will work in kuwait an iraq? what plan an how cheap can i get it?

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iam stationed in kuwait looking for a cell phone that doesnt cost me 0.64 cents a min plus 0.22 cents for txing...i go through 75 a few days just to talk at home..please let me know what phone an plan i can get an where?




  1. well, there is a problem for you. if your in kuwait and want a cell... good luck getting it. Iraq on the other hand... insurgents use cell phones to remotely detonate IEDs. It doesnt matter what cell phone model of who the service provider is, if they have one set up for a cell phone det, just about any cell can do it. Iraq is a Cell Phone Free AO. Military personell are forbidden to have them. thats why before you deployed, they said no cell phone. If your wanting one that bad, find your command hooch and ask ot use the SATphone. its about the ONLY cell phone type device that will not hurt anything in the AO.

  2. Cell phones in Iraq are very expensive.  There is no way around this.  Try Spawar, for about 4 cents a minute, it's the cheapest option other than calling through the internet.

  3. haha none man. It's a CELL PHONE. Cell phones need a tower to run off of. Do you really think they have those in the deserts?

    A Tracfone is the only remote one that would work because it runs off satellites.

    You should have access to a satellite phone and/or webcam while there.

  4. As far as I know, there is no (American at leat!) cell pone plan available to meet the needs you describe.  Your best bet is to secure a prepaid phone plan and use a public or semi-public phone.  Not as cheap as state-to-state calls, but likely the best you can do right now.  

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