
What phone company is the best?

by  |  earlier

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  1. AT&T all the way!

  2. none!!! they all suck, and nickel-n-dime you to death!!

  3. I like Sprint

    the only problem I have is with upgraging phones, you cant upgrade untill you have had a phone for 2 years. and if you change your planor break your phone the 2 years starts all over.

  4. Although I am in the UK, the company I use over here is actually an American one and they are excellent.

    I have friends in the States who use the service and they are just as happy with it as I am.

    If you would like, send me an email and I will send back a web site address to you which will give you more details, but please make sure I can email you as I have had people asking me for information but they have their emails blocked.

  5. Definately not AT&T. they're terrible. Try Momentum. They're really good and don't call you asking about How great their service is.

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