
What phone do you suggest buying for my twelve year old daughter?

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  1. ask her you might think she likes one but she likes another

  2. M510 in pink. It's 10x better than a razr, sturdier, and SO cute! It's a sprint phone... i have it and love it. It has a camera, camcorder, web, music, everything. Also, razr's break SO easy, and a 12 year old is bound to drop it. This phone doesn't break easily - it'll last her at least 2 years, probably a ton more!

  3. Dont get a basic one...she will only ask for another within a year

    Get her a one with camera/camcorder/radio but dont spend any more than $200

  4. My granddaughters phone is just a cheap one and added to our plan. if you think she'll talk too much, go the prepaid route. Or one of those by the month, no contract companies popping up. They seem to have really poor service though.

    You have to decide what features its to have, wireless access, movies, etc. Research before you buy.

  5. I think just a standard phone maybe a razor or something. For me i just want a phone that can store numbers call people text and take pics after that i dont care.

  6. Is it her first phone? If so, a track phone is the phone you should get. You just pay as you go, so if she become irresponsible or for whatever reason you can just cancel the account. There is no contract, so you arent really making a commitment to it, so you can test it out to see if shes ready for a cellphone. They have a lot of cool, cute cellphones that im sure she'll like. After you test the cellphone idea out, and it works well, you should get her a cellphone with an actual contract.

    good luck, and hope i helped.

  7. I have a chocolate it is really nice and it is a good starter off phone

  8. none, she is 12

  9. a choclate cuz its awsome lol and it has a touch screen!

    help me please:;...

  10. I have an N95 old model. I think maybe an N70. No pre-paid! It is suh a problem if you need to call home with no credit!

  11. I would go with a prepaid, I think they are called GO phones.  It will show her how to manage, consequences of too much chatting, and will never run up a phone bill. When money runs out, minutes run out.  It is perfect...she has a cell phone, yet you control it.  I would not, personally, let my child have an actual cell phone until he/she could contribute to the bill (then of course, I would get the Family Plan, so I can closely monitor usage)...internet access, picture messaging and text messaging are horribly easy ways for kids to run up a bill.

  12. i agree w/ first answer

  13. None, a 12 year old doesn't NEED a phone

  14. THe kind with a walkie talkie in it and strong rubber round it...I wish I knew the exact brand but my sister in law uses those for her whole family  they are so cool

  15. nothing too complex... web disabled..... no camcorder......

  16. there is a certain type of phone, and you can only call 4 numbers and of course 911. i didnt let my kids have a real phone till they were 13. if you go to the store and ask them they will proble know the phone name.

  17. Any phone you have hanging around, at twelve she will probably loose it, or get it stolen, they wont be interested in a old one, if you get it on a contract, then keep the new one for a month if she hasn't lost the old one then she can have it.

    just my opinion

  18. The razr is really cute and easy to use. Not that expensive.

    The enV is nice too but maybe a little expensive.

    You can always get a plain old flip phone. They have colors like pink and green too.

  19. Something with unlimited minutes or a lot so that you won't get nasty surprises in the bill. Also a bunch of text messages included too. May I recommend Verizon?

  20. a razar!! it is still popular but not that expensive and it works fine get her the pink one!!!! lol. she will like it and just switch out new phones every 2 to 3 years!

  21. I would get a Sony Ericcsson (idk how to spell it) slider.  I would get it because it was free where i got it so probably free where you will get it too and sliders are really hot right now.  Also it is nice, easy to use and will make her feel cool to have a cool phone where as you might want to get her like a prepaid phone but she would be too embarrassed to actually use it around her friends so it would be easier to get her a good phone! Or you could have her pick one out... novel idea! Well have fun phone shopping!

  22. i would go with a teaches them to limit their talk time and she can earn minutes on them as like an allowance. then if she shows responsibility then upgrade to a plan.

  23. i wouldn't let her have a phone.  why does she need one?  if she's in trouble (getting abducted...etc)  she honestly isn't going to call you.  there are phones at school for you to call if you need to talk to your daughter anyway. you do have a home phone, i presume?  what is she going to do now that she has a cell phone, call different people?  it will cost more anyway.  people don't need cell phones unless they are on the road all the time, or if they are away from home a lot (excluding school or work places with pay phones).  maybe what you should do is have a family phone (cell phone) that people can take with them if they go out.  it works much better, and is cheaper.  your daughter can't text people all the time. besides, cell phones are not allowed in school, and they get repossessed by teachers all the time.  most teachers will take them away regardless if you are texting or calling or if they just beep or ring.  they usually don't give them back until the end of the day too. twelve is too young to have a cell phone.

  24. None! She's 12 for heaven's sake. Let her use the family phone or better yet, have her friends over to play and talk to.

  25. get her a tracfone. The cheapest one is about $15. you can buy more airtime cards in gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores, etc. I bought an airtime card that doubles my minutes for life and gave me a year of phone number security for about $140 . it ended up being like 900 minutes, and lasted me for almost 3 months. I bought one for my son for his 12th birthday, but took it away because of his grades. You can always upgrade to a more expensive tracfone later if you want to. they have flip phones and stuff up to $100.

  26. a razer or a slider,studdies show that those are the #1 phone on the charts

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