
What physical traits are brazilian girls into in brazil?

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Heard blonde hair blue eyes are popular. Are asians popular or blacks?




  1. hey man i am brazilian look asians and blond and blacks are hard to find.

    the communest are brow people.

  2. i went to brazil backpacking last year for 3 months, i have blond hair and blue eyes and everyone loved my eyes dude i was like a king, the guys were jealous! tho saying that i did meet some ginger brazilians.

  3. There are many physical traits, but usually we are tall, skinny and curvy, have big b*****s, tan skin, curly dark brown hair and brown greenish eyes, red lips, and their face remember you of a barbie doll, but naturally pretty.

    but not all brazilians are like that, like in many other countries, we have many mixtures of races in here.

  4. Usually we have dark hair, dark eyes, darker skin (different among us some darker). "Darker" comparing with Americans or Europeans skin for example.We have Asians usually in São Paulo. More than here in Rio but we have seen many Chineses here in Rio. People from South usually have blond hair they are grandchildren of German people. In Rio de janeiro we have a lot of black people. The Latin people you know are black people mixed with native people and white people. I am Brazilian and I live in Rio de Janeiro.

  5. Yes. Blonde hair and eyes are popular. There are millions of brazilians whites, light skinned and with blue/green eyes.

    "Usually we have dark hair, dark eyes, darker skin (different among us some darker)" absolutely is not a true declaration. I live in Rio and people have not dark skin, usually. Some persons have dark skin and many others have light skin. There's no "usually".

    The greatest part of brazilians are whites. Many of these, with brown or hazel eyes and hair, but we have blacks and orientals, also.

    In accord to Brazilian Institute of Statistics (IBGE), we are:

    * 53.7% white

    * 38.5% mixed race

    * 6.2% black

    * 0.5% Asian

    * 0.4% Amerindian

    * 0.7% unspecified

    Moreover, of these 53.7 % whites, most are portuguese, too many are italians, a lot are germans, other are jews and arabs, some russian, polishes or ukranian, besides the armenians, serbians, croatians, dutches, spanishes and a few other etnias. Many others, are mixed european-european whites.

    The asians are in Paraná and São Paulo - where is the greatest concentration of japanese immigants and descendants outside Japan.

    Black are very common in Rio and São Paulo, but, no other state have a so great presence of blacks as Bahia have. Bahia is the most black state, but, there are millions of whites there, of course.

    Brazil have the greatest population of black outside Africa.

    The best way to see the truth is to see with your own eyes. Then, I included some links to brazilian communities in orkut.

    Orkut  ( is a great site of relationship with a brazilian majority. It's easy to get acess, but you need sign up for a Google ID before.

    Only looking brazilians you can to know how brazilians are.

  6. dont know

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