
What pics would you suggest for my feminist protest calendar against brazilian waxes?

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What pics would you suggest for my feminist protest calendar against brazilian waxes?




  1. I think some educational videos would be helpful as well.

  2. If you ever got one you'd never be against it... Good clean fun !!

  3. How about the one you posted here?

    Now let me understand this-is the calender in favor of them or not?

  4. Everyone knows that feminists believe that people should be able to make their own choices in life, so no self-respecting feminist would oppose brazilian waxes....unless women were being strapped down and forced to get waxed, in which case feminists would definitely oppose it.

  5. Is this a joke? Protest something worthwhile, abortions, foreign oil, animal testing, war or whatever. Brazilian waxes? grow up.


  7. Personal choice.  Get over it!

    Why is it that feminists like YOU (not all) are always trying to champion non causes?  Since when has there been any feminist advocates weeping and wailing about this issue?

    Any pics you use would be unlikely to either win you converts or make your point worthwhile.


    LOL, I love sarcasm!

  9. ...

    Getting Brazilian wax is a personal choice, how can you be against it?

  10. I agree with owains. Stand up for something that is worth more than $10. Make that $1000.... depending on how much breast implants cost.

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