
What picture would you choose to represent you?

by Guest63562  |  earlier

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Describe a picture you would choose to repreent yourself.




  1. It depends on the representation and the massage you want to send. Such as if you want to be noticed professionally then you should ensure that you are not looking like a tart.

  2. this sounds like a question for a college application.

    on my application I chose a giant ever-growing white sphere - which represents everything (all colors of light combine to make white).

    The sphere includes every decision and knowledge from the past, that makes me who I am.

    The growing sphere represents increasing wisdom and a growing personality that is a combination of all I know... etc

  3. My avatar's photograph represents me well. It's a Red Velvet Ant, which is really a wingless wasp. Very fast on the ground, catches the eye but if messed with the sting feels like a gunshot wound.

  4. I saw a clip art image, once, that seemed to fit me.  It depicted a large, bearded man, wearing a beret and smock.  He was weilding a large paint brush, like a sword, facing a canvas and easel.  Large drops of paint were being splashed about.

    There was a caption reading, "Artist at Work."

    I once created a logo for an early business card of mine, which was a cartoon image of a close up of my face, with beard and glasses prominently featured, along with my large, expressive (okay, "puppy dog") eyes.  The business name, at the time was "Artist at Large."

    My current logo represents my current business name.  It is a diagram of the easily recognizable constellation Orion.  Orion was the name of my dead cat.  Orion's full name was, "Orion the Mighty Hunter," but we called him "Ryan" for short.  He could actually say his own name!  However, we figured that he thought that "Ryan" meant "food."  When he passed, I named my studio after him.

    My Yahoo Answers Avatar has a completely different meaning.  The wings and flames represent my attempt to bring order and understanding to the tumultuous noise that Yahoo Answers seems to have become.  I was participating in YA for almost two years before I designed my own Avatar.

    Happy Holiday!

  5. a huge p***s

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