
What picture would you look at and think that girl has a personality?

by  |  earlier

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were doing a personality picture board in one of my college clasees for soc. which picture would better present that? im the blonde girl in them obviously.

im loud outgoing i laugh ALOT and i laugh at myself and tell really dumb jokes im friends with anyone and im not easily embaressed at all and i love to have a good time and joke around. i cant pick. and i need it tommorow! HELP!




  1. the 3rd one def.  it makes your look outgoing and fun, and it's best if you put a picture that covers more, that way you leave the guys wanting more, otherwise the college guys are going to think they can just bang and leave you...i hope that made sense.

  2. id say go with 3

  3. 3rd pic it is seriously hot

  4. I wouldn't use any of those pictures for anything school-related... You're barely dressed in the first one, the second one has some dumb "gang" sign in it, and the last one is just going to get "that's hot" comments...  

  5. third pic is extremely hot

  6. Go with the 3rd one hun. 3 all the way

  7. the last picture

  8. id go with the 3rd, looks like your actually having fun not fake smile (my opinion). also , ur a nut...  haha :)

  9. 3rd

  10. Number 3 is funny

  11. omfg..

    those are hilarious..I'm not surprised you can't pick..I can though :D

    Pic 1 is out of focus so it's out

    Pic 2 is the one to choose, it's in focus and if you zoom in on the group of three (including the idiot 'trying' to take focus away from you lol), and avoiding the girls falling asleep behind.

    Pic 3 is super hot BUT you're hardly smiling in it,it looks like the other girl is the one having fun.. so it's out..

    Pic two it is..and I wish I knew that


  12. probably 3rd one...

  13. the 3rd one

  14. I probably say picture 3.  And sounds the girl I want for their personality.

  15. Probably the third, as everyone said. 2nd, everyone looks drunk. 1st, look like a sorority girl.

  16. I think the best picture was the last one, with the mud. It seemed like the most real. I hope this helps you. Good luck always...

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