
What pictures should i add to my wall?

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I felt that the big empty space on my wall needed something so I've spent my day making a collage of pictures on my wall

There is an aquarium against that wall so I want to cover the whole wall down to that point

I need more ideas of pictures that would go well with the rest of it

The picture was taken sideways so I could fit the whole wall in

Any suggestions???




  1. bands bands bands bands bands and ummmmm... BANDS

  2. go to movie rental stores and ask for posters   How about playing up the aquarium with fish pictures?  pictures of cameras?  yourself?  Looks like anything would be ok in a collage!

  3. This wall reminds me of my bedroom walls when I was a teenager and in love with the Osmonds... (I'm old, I know)....My walls were plastered with photos.  When I look back, I think I kind of over did it just a bit.  To me, you're kind of borderline right now.  I think you have plenty up there now.  What I'd attempt to do is unify the photos somehow.  Perhaps by adding a large word or phrase above, below, or beside it.  I saw a lot of sports photos up there and I'd personally add something like "SPORTS",  "I LOVE SPORTS", or "SPORTS ROCK!"..... TRy to turn it into a conversation piece, rather than just an attempt to cover a blank wall.  Good luck.....

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