
What piece of art are you?

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you are all master pieces my friends.

comments appreciated.




  1. Diamond Matrix - Perfect in my imperfections - Brilliant and refined - Refection of everything within vision.

  2. i dont know hehehe

  3. Lets see I am a beautiful painting of a girl with a big smile that radiates my love and sees the love of all

    with lots of colors in my painting like the rainbow and nature is all around me  in the background of the painting :)))like a beautiful sacred garden with mountains and a big huge SUN and the frame is GOLD all around hehehe


  5. Just an ordinary one that seeks to improve in quality all the time ; today I retouch here and tomorrow I retouch there ; the final work will never be achieved for I strive for perfection all the time .

    In every person I see a walking masterpiece that begs to be admired and interpreted in the right way in order to shine his or her beautiful colours upon the face of Humanity .  

  6. One that can never be replicated or duplicated. Yes my friends, this masterpiece is one of a kind :) lol

  7. I am 'Primeval' -a mosaic by Sonia King

    To view this mosaic art piece:

  8. An Escher print.

  9. the one with Y

  10. human art

  11. Being an artist, I would be "Mixed Media".  My spirit leads me in all different directions and not to just one passion.  If you could look on the inside of me, one would see the art pouring in all different directions.

    Artisans and Craftspersons

    Aboriginal art carver

    Aboriginal craftwork instructor

    artificial flower maker, hand

    artificial flower presser


    artistic bouquet designer

    artistic floral arranger

    artistic floral bouquet designer

    artistic floral designer

    arts and crafts teacher (except education)

    bag maker – arts and crafts

    balalaika maker

    basket weaver

    batik artisan

    beadworker, hand

    bellows maker

    bookbinder, hand

    candle maker, hand

    caner, custom furniture

    canoe builder – arts and crafts

    canoe repairer – arts and crafts


    carver, Native art

    carver, totem poles

    case maker, hand

    cello maker

    ceramic artist

    ceramic potter

    ceramics teacher (except education)


    copperplate engraver – artisan

    craft instructor (except education)

    craft weaver



    crocheter, hand

    custom furniture caner

    decorative engraver

    dollmaker, hand

    embroiderer, hand

    enameller – arts and crafts

    enameller, hand

    enamellist – arts and crafts

    engraver, hand

    engraver, metal

    engraver, pantograph – arts and crafts

    fabric artisan

    fabric artist

    floral arrangements designer

    floral designer

    glass blower

    glass engraver

    glass novelty maker

    glass painter

    glassworker, hand


    guitar maker

    hand beadworker

    hand bookbinder

    hand candle maker

    hand carver, stones

    hand carver, woodenware

    hand case maker

    hand crocheter

    hand dollmaker

    hand embroiderer

    hand enameller

    hand engraver

    hand glassworker

    hand knitter

    hand leather worker

    hand metalworker

    hand needleworker

    hand papermaker

    hand quilter

    hand rug maker

    hand silk flower maker

    hand spinner

    hand stone carver

    hand woodworker

    harpsichord builder

    instructor, crafts (except education)

    jewellery artisan, hand

    jewellery engraver

    knitter, hand

    lace weaver – arts and crafts

    leather worker

    leather worker, hand

    machine engraver – arts and crafts

    mandolin maker

    master glass blower

    master glassmaker

    metal arts worker

    metal engraver

    metalworker, hand

    nameplate engraver

    Native art carver

    Native craftwork instructor

    needleworker, hand

    pantograph engraver – arts and crafts

    papermaker, hand

    pipe organ builder

    poker-work artisan


    presser, artificial flowers


    quilter, hand

    rug maker, hand


    scientific glass apparatus blower

    screen printing artisan

    silk flower maker, hand


    silverware engraver

    spinner, hand

    stained glass artist

    stained glass designer

    stained glass painter

    steel engraver – arts and crafts

    stone carver, hand

    stringed instrument maker

    teacher, ceramics (except education)

    tepee maker

    tie-dye artisan

    tole painter

    totem pole carver

    violin maker

    weaver – arts and crafts

    weaving instructor (except education)

    wood carver

    wooden ware carver, hand

    woodworker, hand

    wreath maker

    This is what I want to do.  I must be an artist of life.  Has God been winking at me and I haven't noticed or is it not time yet for my real passion or (calling)?

    Yes, I am a masterpiece with a Master looking for definition.

  12. A defective piece, unable to compromise with the other pieces and yet unable to leave them altogether...



  14. i'm a painting my daughter made in kindergarten. I couldn't make out what she was drawing, but when she told me it was me, I cried.  It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.  It still hangs on my wall at work 17 years later.

  15. 1 .Painter



    4.Colonel  in the Army Retired

    5.General Manager

    6.Fellow of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers


  16. hmmm...interesting body can guess

  17. i am a work of art from God. i am uniquely designed and i am glad to be alive here on earth!

  18. Well,  how can 'I' answer that?  Isn't it for the others to see and judge?  I haven't known myself too well.  I can still surprise myself with new facets that crop up as I meet new challenges.

    But I can truthfully say that I am not "Grotesque"!  

    I have been called Amazing,  Fantastic,  Fascinating,  Piquant, Quaint,  Sweet, al but NEVER Grotesque...

  19. i am starry night  

  20. A chalk drawing upon a pavement near trodden upon by unseeing passers by. An exposed statue, antiquated, broken and ancient standing alone at the mercy of the tempestuos elements and erratic winds ... there is a little bronzed statue of a girl in london situated at Liverpool street station, looking forlorn and homesick ...

  21. A little yellow flower..

    A japanese 'tampopo' that grows along with the grasses..^^

  22. Adam

    From Michaelangelo's Creation must be a h**l of a size

    : )>/<( :

  23. what???

  24. The minor piece, to be sure. And even that is saying a lot. I am lke the odd straight line among innumerable curves ruining a masterpiece.

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