
What piece of art best depicts adoption to you?

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It doesn't have to be a piece specifically about adoption - just one that is meaningful to you. Please include the medium (painting, sculpture, photograph, etc.) and artist if possible.

I haven't got one myself...yet! :) Thanks in advance!





    Even though this was made during my last pregnancy and not during my first I still feel this shows my adoption perfectly. This is MY body, MY womb with a view, MY POWER to bring forth life and be a mother. My body was designed to make, house, nurture and cherish ALL of my children regardless of where they live.

  2. The one that I thought of immediately was painted by an adoptee artist - Julie A. Rist.

    Here is an article she wrote - and if you scroll down you'll see her paintings with adoption themes - which she painted sometime after reuniting with her first mother.

    The one that resonates with me the most - is the picture of the heart - with the hole.

    This is another - also by Julie -

    Titled 'Happy Adoptee' - showing the mask that many adoptees wear - to make everyone around them happy - to be the ultimate people pleaser's.

    I love Julie's work.

    Google her name - and many other articles will come up.

  3. HA!  whether they like it or not, this pic shows what adoption is about!!!!  it's about CURING the AP's!!!!

    ETA: most children in adoption do not need to be saved.  their mothers need  support.

    it's not our job as adoptee's to cure infertility or any other selfish need AP's have.

    how about working to keep families together?  hmmm.  novel idea, isn't it?

  4. Derelicta by Botticelli.

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