
What piercing should i get??

by  |  earlier

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a diamond((nose)) or a lip ring??

another lol




  1. haha i kinda had the same dilemma a year ago, i wanted to get my lip pierced but i was worried what my parents would think so i got my dad round to the idea but my mom said she would rip it outta my face... so then my friend got her nose done and i was liek hey i'll just do that instead! And i did and i still hav it and im glad i did it instead cus its more girly and i think it suits me better. I think it would suit you better to.

    I dont really worry about what my parents think any more tho cos i have a tattoo now and they shall never know ahahah!

    good luuuuuuuuuck

  2. a lip ring fer sure.those diamond nose studs are soooo played out!

  3. tongue

    eta would help if I read the details 1st erm your nose....when your older would you really want to have your lip pierced.

    you look young anf havent really made up you mind so something less drastic and when your older and you still want your lip done then get it.

  4. eyebrow fo sho.

  5. diamond nose ring 4sure (i think it more girly) looks better

    lip ring ugh...

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