
What pi$es you off on a daily basis?

by  |  earlier

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For me it's, struggling to find a matching pair of socks in the morning.




  1. paper round, i get soo little money, i work my asss off, i HAVE to go wether its Rain or snow!

    then my friends get a job, once a week INSIDE, with tripple the amount of money i get!

    : /

  2. People who drive like idiots; people who walk out in front of me when I am driving; people who serve you in a shop while still talking on the phone; people who don't say 'please' and 'thank you'; people throwing litter on the floor; people screaming and swearing at their little children; people who don't pick up their dog's poo.......I could go on and on!

  3. washing up..urgh

  4. My mother

  5. Ignorant ppl. Its like helloooooo..

  6. Cr@p on the television.

  7. Nothing bothers me on a daily basis.

    Cool down and start enjoying life.

  8. mm hard one

    but being woken up by my mum haha

  9. people who arent punctual!

  10. People parking their cars on the pavement & forcing people with disability buggies, pushchairs, wheelchairs and walking sticks into the road.

  11. hey if you put your socks together when you do laundry it makes life can just grab a pair out of the draw and keep it moving plus your only annoyed that once a week as you put them all together!

    people who think you HAVE TO tolerate thier nonsense is what pisses me off!  i am over 30 and dont have to tolerate anything except my kids! mainly this goes for co-workers, in-laws and strangers off the street!

  12. People that whine day in and day out about wanting to kill themselves yet when people try to help these people the suicidal  ones cannot and will not try to find one reason to be happy or live. They're so unappreciative of life and weak minded.

  13. mines gotta be on the way to work and going home the amount of people who just walk, infront of you, one of my pet hates, one of these days someone is gonna fall over coz i dont stop. ha ha

  14. people who are uncourtios or lazy

  15. lack of sunshine

  16. When my cozzie rides up me creases.

  17. i think im gonna die way too much

  18. People who think the Devil has powers.

  19. Oh it pisses me off when i am being serviced by someone who doest great me first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

  20. My little brother.

  21. The price of gas.

  22. As little as possible, life's too short after all.

  23. Being served / spoken to by someone chewing gum

  24. me

  25. traffic and lateness.

  26. no

  27. When I go into work and my work mate says to me every morning "Hey, where do I stand on your list now?" He's referring to the list where on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest, how much I wanna sleep with him. He's gross. Plus he asks me this every morning without fail.

  28. My husband and his first thing in the morning snorting and nose blowing...I wish he would see his doctor about it!!!

  29. drivers who keep the traffic on hold on both sides because they need to do their 5 min meditation in the midlle of the road.

  30. Crikey I wish it was THAT that pissed me off everyday!!  Its really ignorant people that pisses me off!!

  31. This terribly slow computer!!!!!!!!!!!

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