
What pills are abused the most and which ones are the most addictive?

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I need to get extra credit in my health class and she told me to write about the most addictive drugs.. so i chose the pill catagory. help please!




  1. Antidepressants,I think.Sooooooooooo many people  are on them these days. Dr's push them instead of trying to find the underlying problems  people have.

  2. those two listed above are good also try morphin, or codeine, those are pain killers and i know those are big.

    Type in narcotics and see what you can get! Good luck!

  3. barbituates and opiates

  4. Pain killers and pain killers.  Google vicodin and oxycodone.  Stimulants would be next--Ritalin is one that's abused, and it's somewhat related to cocaine.

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