
What places are considered racial or dangerous on London ?

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What are the safe places which are close to London ?




  1. Dagenham and Barking

  2. Peckham is pretty rough but being a Northerner I think most of London is dangerous.

  3. Dangerous?  Anywhere south of the River Thames

  4. London is so diverse there are no racist areas (that's not to say there are no racist people)

    I live in Peckham and have never had any problems. I think it would be foolish to walk around alone, after dark, anywhere in London, or any city for that matter, but generally it's fine.

    Don't believe the hype!

  5. Everywhere in London is dangerous.

  6. It depends what you situation is really. Peckham is rough but there are all sorts of people there all colours etc, so I wouldn't say it's racist - It's just a rough area, including some of east london, brixton, hackney, some of north london, South east london - These are rough areas not racist BUt I would assume that if you said something racist to someone, don't think you wont get a beating if you are in a rough area.

    Also if you are dressed in typical arab clothing (no offence here) you may get a few stares if you have a huge beard etc etc but you know this is nothing out of the ordinary.

    I'm in an interracial relationship and have only met 1 person in London who cursed us when we were walking down street - but again - although we were ina rough area everyone else was ok, it's that the man was old and was a tramp. So there you go. London is ok. Just keep out of rough areas, they are not racist - just rough (you know crime etc etc)

  7. I live in Haringey, north London. I hate the place and absolutely want to move away from it. The areas of Wood Green, Palmers Green, Edmonton (Shanktown) are overrun with immigrants; where I live the white British population (to which I belong) is only 25%! They all left in the 70s and 80s when immigration from eastern Europe (Greek and Kurdish especially) began to occur. Now walking down Wood Green high street you'll be hard pressed to see a white English person - plenty of Polish though! Avoid this place, there are a lot of nice areas in London such as Richmond, Kingston, Hillingdon etc. I know this sounds bad but as a general rule, check the demography and ethnicity of boroughs as a rough guide to what it's like as a place. Don't get me wrong, some immigration can be a good thing but here it's too full on and the native population is too small making it not a very nice place for those who are English.

  8. Well as London is a big city in the UK, there are many dangerous places, as there are in any other major city. The population in London varies so much, that there are no racist areas, but there are many 'racist people'. east and south, is known to be the roughest parts of london, especialy barking and canning town. But north London, and most of the west end, is safe. However many people do exagerate what its like in east london, i used to live there and i went out everynight in the dark coming back from work byh myself, and i was absoloutly fine.

    :) x  

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