
What places can you work at when you are 15?

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What places can you work at when you are 15?




  1. Walmart and illegal asian asia....ilegally........................... stores

  2. try to get a job as a busperson or dishwasher at a busy restaurant.

  3. Other than fast food places?  Libraries, CVS/Wagreens, daycare centers, most places located inside malls,some recreational centers, etc.

  4. I know you are wanting money but you are still a kid, and that don't really of be needing a job. When you are back in school ask to see if you can help out in the kitchen, and they might be able to work something out,and give you a job.But you are still a minor child, and have fun that is what you are so pose to be doing is to have fun.

  5. wonderland

  6. chic-fil-a

  7. if you are in highschool, you can usually talk to a counselor who can find you an internship nearby. At my school we have a huge binder with available internships for students. Last year i got one at a preschool...and they offered to pay me.

    But not all interships pay right away

    if you want to earn money right away i would try:

    local movie theaters

    local town stores, especially if you have connections

    than there is always:


    dog walking

    house sitting etc.....

  8. if you want to work legally you will need a work permit you will need to go ask your econ teacher or take CVE class..and you can work at the YMCA or any kinds of work program for high school student you can also ask your CVE they should know some work place..and plus if you are failing in school CVE class will give you 15 credits if you find a job....good luck.

  9. coffee coffee.

  10. well when i was 15 i worked at six flags great advenuture in nj !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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