
What places in sicily should i visit?

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what places and resturants in sicily, italy should i visit?

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  1. Sigonella is wonderful.

  2. u need to see Palermo, Messina, taormina...try the seafood, eat cannoli siciliani, go to see the etna vulcano

  3. I recently went on a road trip through Sicily, so I think I can be of some help...

    Palermo is a must-it is a colorful, lively city.  It is not at all like it seems in movies.  The people are friendly, but if you speak Italian, you still won't understand anyone-they speak Sicilian, not Italian.

    To the west (and actually in all of Sicily) my favorite place is San Vito Lo Capo, in the region of Trapani.  It is beautiful with white sandy beaches (and the rocky ones, too) and clear blue water.  Lovely town square with an AMAZING cafe to the left of the church-best Sicilian pastries I've ever eaten.  There is a gelateria (ice cream shop) to the right of the church which is also a must.

    Near this town, there is a nature preserve where you can hike, picnic, and swim.  It is wonderful, and certainly worth spending a day.

    South of San Vito is Marsala.  This is an ancient and fascinating city, and you can definitely buy some good wine here.  The old town walls are of particular interest.

    In the center south coast is Agrigento.  The Valley of the Temples is a world heritage sight, and their Archaeological Museum is well organized and of great interest.  Nowhere else in Italy can you wander around 6th century B.C. Ionic temples.

    In the south east is Syracuse-this city was originally an island, but has since grown well outside of the historic part, and is connected to the mainland by two short bridges.  You can wander around the whole historic center in two hours, and MUST buy some Nero d'Avola here-it's the best.  10 minutes from the island, you should visit the Ancient Greek & Roman amphitheatres.  They are breathtaking.

    Now, if you go North from here, you will reach Catania.  This is an earthy city, but interesting and worth an afternoon.  You can reach Mt. Etna from here.

    Hiking up the Volcano is quite an experience.  You can only drive up to a certain point, at which time you must pay (a lot) to take a special rugged-terrain bus to bring you close to the top.  Then, the bus will drop you off with a guide.  You will then hike the rest of the way to the top.  I hope you are in VERY good physical condition, because it is soooo difficult.  You are breathing burning sulphur smoke, and hiking through volcanic dust.  (I thought that I would drop dead at any moment.)  Once you finally reach the top, you will realize that it is COMPLETELY worth the trouble.  I have never seen anything so beautiful.  There are multiple craters, and smoke plumes everywhere.  From the top, you can easily see the lava flows spreading out in the areas below.

    A bit farther north (in the northeast corner) is Taormina.  This is a confusing, winding town built almost vertically up the mountain (like the Amalfi coast towns).  It is beautiful but EXPENSIVE.  I stayed nearby in Aciriale, which was nice and much cheaper.

    SKIP Messina.  It is an a**hole of a town-completely industrial and uninteresting.

    As for the center of Sicily-it is lovely to drive through, but there is almost nothing of interest-you may wish to visit the town of Corleone, south of Palermo, but I did not have time to go, so can't tell you if it's worth it or not.  I guess if you're a huge Godfather fan, you should go.  Otherwise, it's probably not worth the time.

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