
What places in the world are still undiscovered?

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I know a lot of brazil australia and borneo are undiscovered but what parts of these nations still have yet to be discovered




  1. I think you mean unexplored, rather than undiscovered.  

    Although they have been photographed from the air, there are still a few regions of our planet that have never been penetrated by man. These include, for example, regions of the central mountains of New Guinea, parts of the Amazon and African jungles, the Greenland ice cap, Antarctica, and northwest Siberia. They are quite remote, virtually inaccessible for close examination by man.

  2. nothing

  3. X-CITY , Y-CITY & Z-CITY  are still undiscovered

  4. well... if we knew what was undiscovered... it would be discovered... and thus not UN-discovered... right?

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