
What places outside of the US did you like visiting the most?

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What places outside of the US did you like visiting the most?




  1. I absolutely loved India. But you have to experience it with the people. Don't just hit the tourist spots. go out into the bush. Walk through a small village. Listen to the native tongue. learn the culture.

  2. I loved Japan the best, but if you're asking this in order to choose your own destination, I'd say London is wonderful for US visitors because (duh) you already speak the language (more or less)--and there are so many free or very cheap sights to see. I also adored Mazatlan, Mexico. And Vancouver, Canada, is utterly delightful.

  3. all of them.

    for various reasons.

    Italy.  Florence.  go see Michelangelo's statue of David.

    London.  go to the British museum.  the real Rosetta stone is there.

    China.  too many things to mention.


  4. Any city in Canada. Just love everything about the place, the people, the climate, etc... Montreal or Quebec is exotic because of its French influence.  

  5. Out of every place I have ever visited, Morocco is by far the most wonderful. I was not there as a tourist and I do believe that it is the only way to truly experience a country.  To live amongst the people, to truly experience the culture.  If you are not already familiar with the place you are visiting, read up first.  You'll be amazed what little tidbits of information will become invaluable when you actually go.  I also recommend visiting for at least 2 weeks if you can afford it.  5 to 7 days is honestly not enough time to really get a true representation of any place.  The people in Morocco are very warm and welcoming.  Modesty is a must.  The mosques are stunning.  The markets are loud but charming and incredible.  The barter system is in effect most places.  The exchange rate is incredible. The cities come to life at night.  People are always ready with a smile and more than willing to help you if you need anything at all. The country is breathtaking and the sea is intoxicating. Depending on where you are, you might want a basic grasp of Tamazight, but a better bet would be basic knowledge of Arabic.

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