
What planet stands for the type of people you're attracted to and attract?

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What planet stands for the type of people you're attracted to and attract?




  1. Generically speaking, the planet that rules of your 7th House indicates the type of relationships you will have. It is very important to note which type of aspects affect the ruler of the 7th, and what position he is in.

    Say for example your 7th House is Sagittarius... so jupiter represents the person you make relationships with, because Jupiter rules Sagittarius.

    But if Jupiter is in the 9th house, you might be make relationships with professors or religious leaders, if Jupiter is in the 3rd you might make relationships with art teachers, in the 10th you might make relationships with lawyers or social workers, etc.

    Now let's say your 7th House is Saggitarius and Jupiter is in the 3rd... ok - you will be attracted to expansive and successful artists and communicators who deal in music or philosophical communiacations. Now what if jupiter is Conjunct or aspected by Venus? Would you be the attracted to the same person as if Jupiter were conjunct or aspected by Saturn, for example?


    Sag 7th, with Jupiter in the 3rd conjunct/aspected by Venus says that you are going to want to make relationships with Artistic types, sensual artists, probably slightly indulgent types.

    Sag 7th with Jupiter in the 3rd conjunct/aspected by Saturn, on the other hand, says that you are going to want to make relationships with artists who have spiritual messages, are underground artists, have "dark" art, etc.

    Hopefully the readers of this post wont try to take this word for word, but will see the METHOD of combining astrological factors to arrive at interpretations.

  2. same with aspicco lol

    Venus for me (very water)

    otherwise fire and air signs.

    not much too add not lol :-)

    My sun sign is in Sag in the 7th but.........nope..

    Need the whole chart..

  3. I was going to add my comment, but Vic D covers it...

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