
What plans is the U.S. doing to end fossil fuel dependence.?

by Guest66094  |  earlier

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please also tell me the site you got the info. from because i need to cite it.




  1. Others have answered this question well and I fully agree with getting rid of fossil fuels, but I would like to point out one of the answers. Someone said that we depend on forein oil to much, and we really don't. something around 64% of our oil comes from America. The other 36% doesn't even all come from the "Middle East" (improper term) I think we are worrying to much about getting oil from there, and drilling in Alaska is a waste of time.

  2. I have seen the plans put up by the Presidential candidates, but when they put so much money into ethanol-without attaching it to a nuclear power plant or something like that-it cost more to make a gallon than the energy you can get out. I have said we must get this right the first time. My plan is to use fossil fuel to get renewable energy. With new solar power plants, geothermal, wind and wave machines, we change the debate. We must have electric cars, electric trains, electric planes. check out my web sight to learn more

  3. Glad you asked. Take a look at the recently passed 2007 Energy Bill. It includes mandates for increased Ethanol and bio-diesel production, increased support for nuclear power and tax incentives for renewable energy. It also includes targets for vehicle fuel consumption and energy efficiency.

    I've included a link to get you started.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

  4. Government + plans = failure.

  5. the major thing we are doing right now is sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring the problem, also we complain as we drive our suv's to the gas station about the price of gas.  There are no real plans right now, we have oilmen in office, with ties to the saudis, so until they are run out of office it will be business as usual.  we have been importing over 50% of our oil for years now, when we used to be a major exporter.  Read a book called "the end of oil".  Not only should we be worrying about the environment, we need to start building new industries like solar and wind and others while we still have the money and ability to do so.

  6. Jimmy Carter passed a Bill into Law mandating that all automobiles get  mpg by the year 2000 if produced in the U.

    S. of A.  Ronald Regan repealled the law.

  7. The US has two alternatives to decrease the dependence on foreign oil  Either reduce consumption or make it American.  Please see Iraq to understand President Bush's choice.

  8. The US isn't doing anything to end dependence on fossil fuels, with the exception of the watered-down bill the Democrats managed to get past the oil company Republicans in the Congress this year.  That includes a) stitching to CFLs by 2012; b) increasing biofuel production by 6-fold (which may or may not reduce fossil fuel use); a gradual increase of average new car fuel efficiency from 17 to 25 mpg (cut down from 34 mpg in the original bill).  Basically, a showpiece bil without much reals substance to it.

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