
What plant should i get?

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and carnivorous plants

whats a strange/weird/cool plant i can buy that is not too expensive and commonly available

it needs to be suited to an inside pot




  1. buy a cobra plant, cheap, eat hundreds of insects, had on put it by a hornets nest, no more hornets. i love plants like that also, venus fly plants are very hard to keep living over the winter and have to be watered by rain/ fresh water. sun dew plants are also really cool and any type of pitchur plants. The sensitive plants are also sweet. The move when you touch them and mine got two and a half feet tall. You can buy seed for under 2 dollars. Make shure you buy peat moss for some of the plants though or they wont last long.

  2. As a person who likes to grow the "unusual" as well, how about a stapeliad (aka "starfish flower")?  Stapelia gigantea is about the only one you'll commonly find, but I've also seen Stapelia varigata (toad plant) mixed in with succulents at places like Lowes - without the flowers, they don't look like anything special.  These plants look like a cactus or succulent, but are more closely related to milkweed.  Stapelia gigantea gets a flower that can get up to 12 inches across that looks like a striped starfish and smells like rotting meat to attract flies (but it doesn't eat them!).  It's not that bad of a small unless you're pretty close.  And there are other types that have pleasant fragrances.  You can find nurseries that carry these online.

  3. If you like cactus, you should take a look at lithops, commonly called living rocks.  

  4. The Venus fly trap is always a good one to go with.  

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